We’re ready to help YOU today!
Client Services
ACCT Client Services provides compassion based social service support to people living with HIV. Clients are qualified for service based on income, residency in Galveston, Brazoria, or Matagorda counties, as well as documented diagnosis of HIV status. Please email clientservices@accttexas.org for additional information and to schedule an intake appointment.
Becoming A Client
Anyone wishing to access ACCT’s HIV services for the first time must establish eligibility. Below is a list of documented proof required to establish eligibility:
Proof of residency in Galveston, Brazoria, or Matagorda County
Proof of income or financial support
Proof of insurance (if applicable)
Proof of HIV/AIDS diagnosis
Prospective clients will meet with a Client Services Advocate to complete an application for services and discuss the most suitable social services plan to meet your current and future needs.
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program
The Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program provides a comprehensive system of HIV primary medical care, essential support services, and medications for low-income people with HIV.
ACCT provides the following Ryan White Services:
Insurance Premium & Co-Pay Assistance
Medical Transportation
Nutrition Assistance